Radio and 3D Sound

We look forward to the collaboration with Radio France, in which we will explore new possibilities for immersive and spatial sound.

House of Music Hungary opened

usomo, our interactive 3D sound system, is an essential component of the media-based exhibition at the House of Music Hungary in Budapest.

Van Halen in 3D Sound

rocknpopmuseum Eddie Van Halen exhibition poster (detail)

Van Halen’s guitar riffs in 3D sound: The third show with usomo at the rock’n’popmuseum is dedicated entirely to the “last guitar god”.

usomo at Raumwelten 2021

usomo participates in Raumwelten 2021 virtually: at the temporary Exhibitor Space, online on the Raumwelten website for two weeks.

usomo in Hungary

As sound lovers, we are thrilled to be part of the amazing sound-inspired architectural project Magyar Zene Háza in Budapest.